Tondeuse, jardin et fantôme



Recluse in his residence, in a white bathrobe from morning to night, a businessman oversees mysterious online transactions while enjoying his magnificent garden. One day, this ultra-connected man's thirst for control comes up against the strange behavior of the lawn, which no longer seems to respond to the laws of Mother Nature. From then on, his life turns into a nightmare.

fantastic nature

"White Agony" tells the story of a confrontation: a man against his garden.
Therefore, I represented this garden - the real antagonist of the film - as an entity in its own right, mysterious, elusive... fantastic.

This fantastic inspiration comes from the exciting scientific discoveries on the plant world.
Communication between trees, exchange networks, inter-species collaboration, ... looking into the functioning of this world that is both so common but still so misunderstood often means entering fantastic territory, both is played out beyond our imagination."
Yves Pinol, director

a Universal fable

"To touch the spectator's emotion. Aim for the universal. Let the images and the soundtrack speak for themselves. This is what guided my production. So, the voice of the protagonist, I decided to scramble it. With the complicity of two "sound designers", Adrien Sabathier and Lucas Safaru, we reduced it to incomprehensible rumblings mixed with blood flow, heart rate, breathing... as if we were immersed in the body of the hero. bias seemed doubly justified to me since it made it possible to bring this high-tech business man to his pure condition of being organic, and to install an anxious and claustrophic atmosphere throughout the film. "
Yves Pinol

alone in a garden...

"No technical crew, this film, I wanted to make it alone.
Alone, nourished by the inspiration of my garden.
Alone to express my anxieties linked to the isolation and emptiness of an existence eaten away by a modern society launched at full speed in the digital world.
Alone to explore the sometimes paradoxical relationships we have with nature. "
Yves Pinol

shooting at the golden hour

"I shot this film during 2 1/2 months, from mid-August to October. Seeking to give it a unique patina, I decided to shoot exclusively in natural light, with "vintage" lenses from the 70s and 80s, favoring shots at the end of the day when the sun begins to decline - the famous " golden hour" which provides a unique lighting dear to any photographer. I wanted to soak this drama in a certain visual aesthetic. Create something beautiful to balance out the drama and horror of the story."
Yves Pinol

The director

Yves Pinol

Born in 1970 in Haute-Savoie, I grew up a few kilometers from the legendary Avoriaz Fantastic Film Festival (now the Gerardmer Festival). This is no doubt why the cinema, and more specifically science fiction and fantasy, left its mark on me for good.
After training in a film school, I started a career in the audiovisual sector and created my own production company, SARL Créatika. In 2016 I wrote and directed my first short film.


"the spanking"

2016 - 3mn

Producer, writer, director
Available on YouTube (3,8 millions of views)